Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Check your mirror...

.We look in the mirror and too often critique what we see. It's hard not to. Today, I asked my LP girls to describe the women they know that are beautiful. We talked about how the beautiful women were compassionate, strong, gracious, funny, confident, and smart. The way they carried themselves and treated others was what made them beautiful. Then, I asked them to look in a mirror and describe how they were important and beautiful. (And yes, I did it, too. One must lead by example even when it's hard.)

Looking in a mirror and telling yourself good things is HARD. And important. Not to do in a "Look at me! I'm so hot! Let's take too many selfies" way, but in a genuine way. Not just what you like about your appearance, but what you like about your humanity and character. A positive, genuine reflection on all you contribute to the world is so important. It reminds of our value to ourselves and the people around us. 

Part of being compassionate needs to start within. If we are kind to ourselves we'll be kinder to the people around us. My senior quote (20 years ago! Yikes!) was, "the beauty in our hearts transforms the world around us." It may sound cliche but it is timeless and holds true. Our inner beauty is what makes us beautiful and does transform the lives of those around us. Start it up again by looking in the mirror and reminding yourself how much you matter and of all of the things that make you special, strong and wonderful.


The picture below is of some of my beautiful lovelies. We were describing the beautiful women that we are, that we know, and what we will continue to strive to become.

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