This past week I was given an honor. I had a young lady name me as her hero for an assignment for English class. In front of her peers she gave a presentation where she said things like...
What an honor! Now, these are things I am always striving to do. I never quite feel like I'm there. I still never quite feel like it's enough. But, I will keep fighting the good fight. And leading by example.
This is what we need to do. Lead by example. If you don't want people to talk behind your back, stop doing it to others. Want friends? Be a friend. Tired of talking about weight? Be the first to stop and make the point to others around you.
In the Lotus Project we're trying to develop a culture of sisterhood. We need to lead the movement by setting the example and telling our story. We need to encourage the same in our friends, sisters, brothers, fathers and mothers.